Abdu Murray joins the guys this week as our LIVE episodes continue from the Lead > Defend Conference in February. Murray, born in Detroit and raised a devout Muslim, came to know Christ in 2000 after a 9-year search. He is now the Senior Vice President for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and speaks and writes on their behalf.
We live in a world of confusion and contradictions. However, the Gospel provides all the answers we truly need. Murray and the guys talk about this confusion, and how young adults can use the Gospel to defend their faith and beat the confusion this world tries to bring into their life.
Questions They Discussed:
What are your books about?
How can confusion be detrimental?
How does the Gospel interact with a confused culture? Does it bring clarity, or allow us to sit in our confusion?
Is it wise to put boundaries around our confusion?
What is the hope we can have in this?
Saving Truth Book
Grand Central Question Book
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